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Dungeons + Drama Nerds is a podcast produced by Percival Hornak and Nicholas Orvis, two dramaturgs interested in the intersection of theatre and tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs). Nick, Percy, and Todd Brian Backus founded the show in the summer of 2019. Dungeons + Drama Nerds is mixed and edited by Percival Hornak. Our ensemble of artists includes Todd Brian Backus, Anthony Sertel Dean, Christopher Diercksen, Ben Ferber, Kory Flores, Tess Huth, Romana Isabella, Leo Mock, Dex Phan, Jon Jon Johnson, Tristan B. Willis, C. "Meaks" Meaker, CJ Linton, Jovane Camaaño, and Mieko Gavia.


Each season features episodes of an Actual Play TTRPG campaign alternating with commentary episodes. As our players explore these adventures, we’ll dissect what sorts of storytelling each system fosters. Games we've played on the podcast include Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, Apocalypse WorldParanoia, Blades in the DarkBluebeard's BrideKids on BikesOh Dang! Bigfoot Stole My Car With My Best Friend's Birthday Present Inside!Lancer, Thirsty Sword LesbiansBrindlewood Bay, and ARC.


Episodes release biweekly on Wednesdays.


We're more than just a podcast! 


Dungeons + Drama Nerds has been referenced in the Washington Post and our co-producers have written an article about their findings in Howlround.

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